solidDB Help : Samples
solidDB includes a number of sample scripts and programs in the samples directory in the solidDB installation directory.
To run samples, the sample directory must contain a valid license file. By default, each sample directory contains a copy of the evaluation license (solideval.lic).
If you want to use the full product license (solid.lic) with the samples, complete the following steps:
1 Copy the license file to the root of the solidDB installation directory.
2 Execute the script called copy_licenses (copy_licenses.bat in Windows). This script copies the license file from the installation root directory to all appropriate sample directories.
The samples that use ODBC are configured to use the solidDB ODBC driver directly. If you want to use a driver manager instead, see the following topics:
On Windows, to use the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager instead, see Overview of usage on Windows operating systems.
On Linux or UNIX, to use the unixODBC driver manager instead, see Using unixODBC driver manager.
The sample scripts start one or more solidDB servers that use specific ports (for example 2315, 2325). Either make sure that there is no existing solidDB database on your computer that uses the ports, or change the connection strings in the sample files.
Some sample scripts remove and re-create database files that reside in sample subdirectories. Only the database in the eval_kit/standalone directory is always left intact.
Run each sample script from the appropriate sample subdirectory in the solidDB installation directory; many of the samples use relative paths to access solidDB components. It is assumed that you are running the samples in a default and complete solidDB installation.
Most of the samples use a makefile (a file that defines the actions to be executed).
If you are running the solidDB samples on Windows and you do not have the nmake.exe file, you can install Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (available at no cost), launch an 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt' from the Visual Studio options on the Windows Start Menu, and run the samples in the command window.
If you are running the solidDB samples on Linux or UNIX and you do not have the make file, see the documentation for your distribution for instructions on obtaining the file.
Most of the samples use a runme script to run the makefile. The script sends output to the console, and you might need to pause the script or scroll back when the script has completed in order to examine the output.
If a sample uses a makefile, you can run a subset of the tasks that make up the sample (instead of running the runme script). For example, if the makefile contains the following tasks:
clean (removes anything created by a previous sample run),
start_servers (starts the servers that are used in the sample),
run_scripts1 (executes the first set of commands that demonstrate the purpose of the sample),
run_scripts2 (executes the second set of commands),
stop_servers (stops the servers),
you can type make (or nmake) clean start_servers run_scripts1 and then explore the current state of the databases (before the second set of commands is executed and the servers are shut down).