solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB ODBC API : Getting started with solidDB ODBC : Overview of usage on Windows operating systems
Overview of usage on Windows operating systems
On Windows operating systems, the solidDB ODBC libraries are provided as .DLL files.
The files are named socw32VV.dll and sacw32VV.dll (where VV indicates the version number) for the Unicode and ASCII versions, respectively. For example, the Unicode ODBC driver in version 4.1 is named socw3241.dll. To call the functions in one of these .DLL files, you must link to a solidDB import library file. In Windows environments, the import library file is named solidimpodbcu.lib (Unicode) or solidimpodbca.lib (ASCII). This import library file contains the entry points to the corresponding solidDB ODBC DLL (for example, socw3241.dll).
Note The library files have been produced with C++. Linkers by other development toolkit manufacturers might expect different library file formats. In such cases, refer to your development toolkit documentation.
Instructions for usage of solidDB client DLLs (solidDB ODBC driver files)
There are two alternatives to building application programs that use the solidDB ODBC driver:
Using Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager: Microsoft ODBC software needs to be installed on all client workstations and a data source must be defined using solidDB ODBC Driver. If you use the Driver Manager, any application that can use the solidDB ODBC driver works also with any other ODBC compliant engine.
Using solidDB ODBC driver directly: Connections are opened directly to a server process without using Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager. This can be useful in embedded deployments of the solidDB server. However, the application can use only the functions that are provided by the solidDB library (that is, solidDB ODBC driver); the application cannot use the ODBC functions that are implemented by the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager or the Microsoft Cursor library.
The solidDB server package provides some sample programs that do not use the ODBC Driver Manager, see Samples. If you want to use the ODBC Driver Manager with the samples, you can use the following instructions:
Using the solidDB ODBC driver with or without the ODBC Driver Manager
To configure a project to use the solidDB ODBC driver, complete the following steps:
1 Create a new application project.
2 If you want to use the ODBC Driver Manager:
Make sure that ODBC Driver Manager libraries (ODBC*.LIB) are in the default library list.
Make sure that you have installed the solidDB ODBC driver. Also, make sure that the connection string you intend to use is defined as the ODBC data source name.
If you want to use the solidDB ODBC driver directly:
Add the solidDB ODBC driver library file (solidimpodbcu.lib) to the project.
3 Add the C-source file to the project.
4 Make the header files visible to the compiler.
5 Define SS_WINDOWS for the compiler.
6 Compile and link.
7 Run to connect to a listening solidDB server.
Converting from using ODBC Driver Manager to using driver directly
If you have previously used the ODBC Driver Manager and you would like to change a project to use the ODBC driver directly, complete the following steps:
1 Remove ODBC Driver Manager libraries ODBC*.LIB from the default library list for the project.
2 Add the solidDB ODBC driver library file (solidimpodbcu.lib) to the project.
3 Compile and link.
4 Now it is possible to connect to data sources bypassing ODBC Driver Manager. Make sure that the SQL API DLL socw32VV.dll (where VV indicates the version number) and the solidDB communication DLLs are available. Data Sources can be defined in solid.ini or in the ODBC Administration Window.
5 Run the client to connect to a listening solidDB server.
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Getting started with solidDB ODBC