solidDB Help : Samples : Geohash sample
Geohash sample
This sample shows how to use solidDB geohash functionality. For more information about the geohash functions, see solidDB geohash functions.
The files for the sample are located in the soliddb-installdir\samples\geohash directory. For general information about running the samples, see Samples.
The sample consists of two applications and an SQL script:
geohash.c: an ODBC application that performs the following steps:
connects to a server,
creates a table with columns for longitude, latitude, and geohash,
creates an index on the geohash column,
inserts pairs of longitude and latitude points into the table and calculates the geohash values for each pair,
searches the table first with and then without an index.
geohash.sql: an SQL script that performs the following steps:
creates a table,
creates an index on the geohash column (to speed up searches),
inserts the longitude and latitude values for some cities and calculates geohash values for the cities,
finds cities inside a specified geohash boundary,
finds all the geohash blocks within a specified area,
finds all the cities in a specified geohash block,
find the co-ordinates of the edges and center of a specified geohash block.
sageohash.c: an SA application that performs the following steps:
finds the boundary of a given geohash and the boundary of the neighborhood for the geohash,
lists each of the neigbors of a given geohash and all the geohashes in the neighborhood,
lists all the geohash blocks within a boundary that is defined by lines of longitude and latitude.
Note You do not need to connect to a solidDB server to run this application.
Running the sample
Run the runme script (runme.bat in Windows), which compiles the applications, starts a server, runs the first application and the SQL script, stops the server, and runs the second application.
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