solidDB Help : Samples : HTTP SQL Access sample
HTTP SQL Access sample
This sample shows how to connect to solidDB over HTTP by using Ruby, Python, and Go.
The sample files are located in the soliddb-installdir\samples\http directory. For general information about running the samples, see Samples.
The sample includes the following programs that each create a secure connection to a solidDB server, create a table, insert a row, read the row, drop the table, and drop the connection:
solid_http.rb: uses modules net/https and openssl from the Ruby standard library (tested on Linux with Ruby version 2.0.0p353), uses modules cookielib and urllib2 in the Python standard library (tested on Linux with Python version 2.7.5),
solid_http.go: uses packages net/http and net/http/cookiejar and crypto/tls (tested on Linux with Go version go1.6).
Note The programs do not verify the solidDB server certificate and only work if OpenSSL libcrypto is available, see Installing and configuring the OpenSSL toolkit.
Running the sample
Run the runme script (runme.bat in Windows), which starts a solidDB database, and then runs the programs one after the other.
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