solidDB Help : Samples : Shared Memory Access Java/JDBC sample
Shared Memory Access Java/JDBC sample
This sample C application demonstrates how to use a solidDB Shared Memory Access (SMA) server with the solidDB JDBC API. For more information about SMA, see Shared Memory Access (SMA).
The files for the samples are located in the soliddb-installdir\samples\sma_java directory.
Note To run the samples, you must install JDK 1.7 or later and set the PATH and CLASSPATH settings for the Java compiler.
For general information about running the samples, see Samples.
The sample application ( is a solidDB Java application that shows how to use the solidDB SMA server with the solidDB JDBC API. The sample is written in Java and uses JDBC API calls to complete the following actions:
1 Connect to the SMA server.
2 Create a table in the database.
3 Insert 10 rows into the table.
4 Retrieve all rows from the table.
Running the sample
Run the runme script (runme.bat in Windows), which compiles the application, starts an SMA server, runs the application, and stops the SMA server.
If you experience any problems starting the server, see Troubleshooting SMA.
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