solidDB Help : Samples : solidDB API sample
solidDB API sample
This sample C application demonstrates the use of the proprietary solidDB API (SA).
The sample files are located in the soliddb-installdir\samples\solid_api directory. For general information about running the samples, see Samples.
The following sample applications are included:
saembed.c: uses the SA interface to communicate with a standard solidDB server,
saembed1.c: uses the SA interface to communicate with a solidDB Linked Library Access (LLA) server.
Note LLA was previously known as Accelerator.
Running the sample
Run the runme script (runme.bat in Windows), which compiles the applications, starts a solidDB database (for the saembed.c application), and then runs the applications one after the other.
The application uses SA calls to complete the following actions (assumes that a solidDB database is already started):
1 Ask the user to enter the connection information, and connect to the database.
2 Create a table, insert a row of data, retrieve data from the table, perform update and delete operations on the table, and disconnect from the database.
The application uses SA calls to complete the following actions:
1 Start a solidDB LLA server by using the SSCStartServer function with the listen name that is specified in the solid.ini file. If the server is started for the first time, the application uses dba as the default catalog name, user name, and password.
2 Connects to the solidDB LLA server.
3 Create a table, insert a row of data, retrieve data from the table, perform update and delete operations on the table, and disconnect from the database.
4 Stop the solidDB LLA server by using the SSCStopServer function.
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