solidDB Help : Samples : SQL sample scripts : Stored procedure exercises
Stored procedure exercises
Three exercises in writing stored procedures are available in the samples\sql\course_exercises folder in the solidDB installation directory.
You can run the sample answers to the exercises by running the samples\sql\course_exercises\runme script (runme.bat on Windows).
To create a prerequisite environment for the exercises, complete the following steps:
1 Start a solidDB server.
2 Create the required tables by using solsql to run the create_tables.sql script.
The script creates the following tables:
CUSTOMER - to hold customer details
ORDER - to hold customer orders
ORDER_LINE - to hold line items for each order
PRODUCT - to hold product details
ALERTS - to hold alerts
DAILY_ORDER_REPORT - to hold records of the number of each product ordered on each day
See the create_tables.sql script for details of the fields in each table.
Exercise 1
Create procedures by using the following rules:
Use sequencers to provide IDs (primary keys) for the inserted rows.
Commit transactions outside the procedure.
Perform error handling for all procedures:
Make sure that success of each SQL statement is checked.
Return an error code as an output parameter (-1 = logical error).
If an SQL error occurs, return the error code of a failed statement as the error code of the procedure.
Create the following procedures:
1 Create a procedure (INSERT_CUSTOMER), that adds customer details to the CUSTOMER table.
Check for possible duplicate records (customers who have the same name and address) but allow the check to be overridden by using an input parameter.
2 Create a procedure (INSERT_ORDER), that adds customer orders to the ORDER table.
Check that the customer exists (in the CUSTOMER table).
Check that the credit limit of the customer is not exceeded but allow the check to be overridden.
Update the used credit of the associated customer.
3 Create a procedure (INSERT_ORDER_LINE), that adds line items to the customer order.
Check that the product and order exist.
Generate an event if the amount of stock falls below the alert limit.
Deduct the ordered amount of stock from the current stock.
See samples\sql\course_exercises\answer1.sql.
Exercise 2
Complete the following tasks:
1 Create an event that has two varchar parameters, alert_type and alert_text.
2 Launch the event when the stock amount for a product goes below the alert limit (as defined in the INSERT_ORDER_LINE procedure.
3 Create a procedure (LISTEN_INVENTORY_ALERTS), that listens for the event and does the following steps:
makes an entry in the ALERTS table whenever an event is received,
returns the event type and event text to the application as return values of the procedure.
See samples\sql\course_exercises\answer2.sql.
Exercise 3
Complete the following task:
Create a procedure (MAKE_DAILY_ORDER_REPORT) to report on products that need restocking:
For each product, work out the amount ordered today and whether the product needs restocking
Return a result set that is sorted by the amount ordered today in descending order.
See samples\sql\course_exercises\answer3.sql.
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SQL sample scripts