Universal Cache Getting Started : solidDB® Universal Cache : Universal Cache principles of operation
Universal Cache principles of operation
The solidDB® database server maintains a cache database that contains a subset of data stored in the backend database. To use Universal Cache, you must first identify the data you want to cache and configure the environment accordingly. The data can then be loaded from the backend database to the cache, so that when applications run against the cache database, they can take advantage of high performance and low latency of the solidDB® server. As changes are made to the data, the IBM Infosphere CDC replication technology synchronizes data between the cache database and the backend database.
The SQL passthrough functionality makes it possible to route SQL operations to the backend database, enabling applications to access data in both databases with a single interface.
For example, the Universal Cache system might be set up so that the frequently accessed data in table T1 is cached to the solidDB® in-memory database. The application can read and modify data in T1 - any changes are replicated to the backend database using IBM Infosphere CDC replication.
Table T2 in the backend database contains data that the application needs to access only periodically. The Universal Cache can be configured so that when the application needs to access data in T2, the queries to T2 are executed in the backend. A backend-specific ODBC driver is needed for the SQL passthrough connection.
See also
solidDB® Universal Cache