Universal Cache Getting Started : solidDB® Universal Cache
solidDB® Universal Cache
The Universal Cache capability in solidDB® is a solution for speeding up traditional disk-based databases. It incorporates a high-speed solidDB® in-memory database that caches performance-critical data from a disk-based database. The in-memory cache allows the processing of the application load by a fraction of the response time it takes to be executed in the backend database. This improves performance, speed, and latency.
solidDB® Universal Cache can be integrated with IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase data servers. By combining the relational, in-memory data management capabilities of Universal Cache with the versatility of disk-based databases, applications benefit from the best of both worlds.
In addition to the solidDB® in-memory database, the solution uses IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture (referred to as IBM Infosphere CDC) technology for data replication. Both the solidDB® cache and the backend database are self-contained database management systems (DBMSs).
See also
Architecture and key components of Universal Cache
Universal Cache principles of operation
Universal Cache features and functionality