Installing and configuring Universal Cache for evaluation setup
This section provides a high-level overview of the installation and configuration steps for Universal Cache, when setting up the environment for evaluation purposes.
Prerequisites for evaluation setup
The installation and configuration instructions for evaluation purposes assume the following:
▪You have a working installation of the backend server with a database that contains data that you want to replicate to and from solidDB® server.
▪Your configuration includes only one solidDB® server.
Install and configure procedure overview
Important: Install the components in the order described below; this is to ensure that you meet installation and configuration requirements for each component.
1 Locate the installation images for the Universal Cache components.
2 Ensure that you have system administrator (or equivalent) access rights to all the nodes where you will install the Universal Cache components.
While setting up Universal Cache, you need to create (or use existing) user accounts, database, and network connection identification data to enable the different components to communicate with each other.
Result: You have a working installation of the replication engine and you have created at least one IBM Infosphere CDC instance that is connected to your solidDB® database.
5 Install and configure IBM Infosphere CDC for the backend data server.
Result: You have a working installation of the replication engine and you have created at least one IBM Infosphere CDC instance that is connected to your backend database.
Result: You have a working Management Console installation and you can login into the IBM Infosphere CDC Management Console using the system administrator account.