Universal Cache User Guide : Universal Cache installation and configuration overview : Prerequisites : Component and installation package information
Component and installation package information
The Universal Cache setups include both solidDB® and IBM InfoSphere CDC components. To install Universal Cache, you need the installation packages shown in the Universal Cache column in the table below. You need to install each Universal Cache component separately.
solidDB® with IBM InfoSphere CDC replication
solidDB® with Universal Cache
solidDB® 7.0
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture solidDB® 7.0
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Access Server 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Management Console 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture backend data server 6.5
One of the following:
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture DB2 Linux, UNIX, and Windows 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Informix 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Oracle Trigger 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Oracle Redo 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Sybase 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture DB2 z/OS 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture DB2 iSeries 6.1
solidDB® 7.0 License Certificate
solidDB® 7.0 Documentation
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Documentation 6.5
solidDB® server package
The solidDB® server package contains a complete set of the server software, including the JDBC and ODBC drivers and various utility programs.
The server package is delivered with an evaluation license certificate file, solideval.lic. With the evaluation license, you can evaluate for 90 days. For acquiring a permanent license, contact UNICOM Systems, Inc.
Linux and UNIX: solidDB®-7.0-<platform>.bin
Windows: solidDB®-7.0-<platform>.exe
Directory structure:
The default installation of solidDB® 7.0 creates a directory called solidDB®7.0.
The files and subdirectories in the solidDB®7.0 installation directory are explained in the following table.
Root directory
The root directory contains, for example:
a script that is used to facilitate running samples in the database evaluation phase
the evaluation license file
the welcome.html file for accessing the package documentation
solidDB® binary files and dynamic library files
doc_html, doc_txt
Package documentation in HTML and text format
Working directory for an evaluation version of the solidDB® server. This directory contains a sample solid.ini configuration file and an evaluation license file (solideval.lic).
Working directory for an evaluation version of the solidDB® server for use with Universal Cache or IBM InfoSphere CDC replication. This directory contains a sample solid.ini configuration file and an evaluation license file (solideval.lic).
C program headers
solidDB® JDBC Driver
Data store helper archive for use with WebSphere® (SolidDataStoreHelper.jar)
solidDB® dialect for Hibernate (SolidSQLDialect.jar)
Static linkable library files
32-bit static linkable library files – 64-bit AIX and Solaris packages only
The 32-bit libraries can be installed on 64-bit systems. The 64-bit libraries cannot be installed on 32-bit systems.
License and notices files
The English versions of the manuals in PDF format can be downloaded to this folder and then accessed through the Manuals link on the Welcome page
SQL scripts for creating and running stored procedures for data aging and refresh
Metadata for IBM Tivoli® Usage and Accounting Manager
Samples that can be used in the database evaluation phase and future application development
Library file names
The solidDB® server provides many files as linkable libraries.
Most of the library files fall into one of the following categories:
ODBC drivers
Shared memory access and linked library access files
Communication library files
SA (Server API) library file
All platforms do not have every file. For example, some communication library files are available on Windows environments only.
Some library files are static, that is, they are linked to the client application executable program when you do a compile-and-link operation. Other library files are dynamic: these files are stored separately from your executable program and are loaded into memory when your program runs. For many libraries, the solidDB® server provides both a static and a dynamic version on some or all platforms.
Library files are found in the following two directories: v bin v lib
As a rule, the bin directory contains dynamic libraries (in addition to executable files), while the lib directory contains static libraries. On Windows environments, the lib directory also contains the import libraries.
Additionally, on Windows environments, the ODBC and communication .dll libraries are copied to the C:\Windows\system32 directory.
If you use the 32-bit installation program to install the solidDB® server on a 64-bit environment, the .dll library files are copied to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory.
The exact library file names depend on the platform. See the following tables for examples on Windows and Linux environments:
File name
ODBC library - ASCII
NamedPipes communication protocol link library
ODBC library - Unicode
ODBC Driver Manager setup library
solidDB® SA API library
Linked library access (LLA) dynamic library
TCP/IP communication protocol link library
solidDB® Control API (SSC) stub library.
This static library is used if you want to write code that can be run either locally with the linked library access library, or remotely without the linked library access.
Linked library access (LLA) import library
ODBC import library - ASCII
ODBC import library - Unicode
solidDB® SA API import library
Example: solidDB® library files in Linux 32-bit package
File name
ODBC shared library - ASCII
ODBC shared library - Unicode
solidDB® SA API library
Linked library access (LLA) shared library
Shared memory access (SMA) shared library
solidDB® Control API (SSC) stub library. This static library is used if you want to write code that can be run either locally with the linked library access library, or remotely without the linked library access.
Linked library access (LLA) static library
ODBC static library - ASCII
ODBC static library - Unicode
solidDB® SA API static library
Symbolic link for shared LLA library
Symbolic link for shared SMA library
Symbolic link for shared ODBC library - ASCII
Symbolic link for shared ODBC library - Unicode
Symbolic link for shared solidDB® SA API library
Symbolic link for static ODBC library - ASCII
Symbolic link for static ODBC library - Unicode
Symbolic link for static solidDB® SA API library
Symbolic link for static LLA library
For a list of the library file names on your installation of solidDB® server, see the SDK Notes in the solidDB® package, accessible through the Welcome page in your solidDB® installation directory.
Dynamic library file naming conventions
Dynamic library files use the following naming convention:
LL = purpose of the library
ac: ODBC library - ASCII
np: NamedPipes communication protocol link library
oc: ODBC library - Unicode
os: ODBC Driver Manager setup (for Windows only)
sa: solidDB® SA API library
solidac: Linked library access (LLA) dynamic library
solidsma: Shared memory access (SMA) dynamic library
tc: TCP/IP communication protocol link library
ppp = platform
a5x64: AIX, 64-bit
hia64: HP-UX 11 64-bit (IA64)
l2x: Linux for x86
l2x64: Linux for x86, 64-bit
lzx64: Linux for System z, 64-bit
s0x64: Solaris 10 (SPARC, 64-bit)
s0xi64: Solaris 10 (ix86, 64-bit)
w32: Windows 32-bit (x86)
w64: Windows 64-bit (x86)
VV = first two digits of the solidDB® version, for example 70 for version 7.0, 63 for version 6.3
eee = platform-specific file name extension:
*.dll Dynamic Link Library for Windows
*.so (Shared Object) for AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris
ODBC, JDBC, and proprietary programming interfaces:
The solidDB® server provides ODBC, JDBC and proprietary interfaces for clients. For more details, see the solidDB® Programmer Guide.
solidDB® JDBC driver 2.0
JDBC 2.0, with selected features of JDBC 2.0 optional package
Driver location
<solidDB® installation directory>/jdbc/SolidDriver2.0.jar
JDBC URL format
For example:
Driver class name
Standard compliance
The solidDB® JDBC 2.0 Driver supports the JDBC 2.0 specification. Additionally, Connection Pooling, JNDI Data Sources, and Rowsets of the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package (known before as Standard Extension) are supported too.
Non-standard features include support for IBM WebSphere and timeout control extensions.
The following features of the Optional Package are currently supported by the solidDB® JDBC 2.0 driver:
Connection pooling (class solid.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource)
Connected RowSet (class solid.jdbc.rowset.SolidJDBCRowSet)
Implemented JDBC data sources:
– solid.jdbc.DataSource (implements javax.sqlDataSource)
– solid.jdbc.SolidConnectionPoolDataSource (implements javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource)
JTA (Java Transaction API) – XA interface for Java (implements javax.transaction.xa.XAResource and javax.transaction.xa.Xid)
Full documentation for the solidDB® JDBC Driver is included in the solidDB® Programmer Guide.
solidDB® JDBC Driver extensions
The solidDB® JDBC Driver supports the following non-standard extensions. For more information, see the solidDB® Programmer Guide.
JDBC URL format
You can set the connection property values in the URL string.
Connection timeout
Connection timeout refers to the response timeout of any JDBC call that invokes data transmission over a connection socket. If the response message is not received within the time that is specified, an I/O exception is thrown. The JDBC standard (2.0/3.0) does not support setting of the connection timeout. The solidDB® product has two ways for doing that: one using a non-standard driver manager extension method and the other using the property mechanisms. The time unit in either case is 1 ms.
Login timeout
The timeout fires at the connect time. The setting is implemented with a connection property. The property overrides the login timeout for JDBC specified by other means (like login timeout parameter in Driver Manager).
Connection idle timeout
If the connection is inactive for the amount of time specified with the idle timeout property, the server closes the connection. The connection idle timeout property overrides the server parameter setting for the session.
Statement cache
You can set the size of the statement cache for a connection.
Transparent Connectivity Support
solidDB® JDBC driver fully supports solidDB® Transparent Connectivity (TC) including transparent failover and load balancing. See the solidDB® High Availability User Guide for more information about usage of Transparent Connectivity.
Shared memory access (SMA) connection property
The SMA connection property defines that the driver connects to a SMA server with a local connection, bypassing network protocols.
SQL passthrough connection properties
The SQL passthrough connection property defines the default passthrough mode for the connection.
Catalog and schema name connection properties
You can set the catalog and schema names for the connection.
WebSphere support
To support WebSphere, adata source adapter SolidDataStoreHelper is provided in a separate file SolidDataStoreHelper.jar, in the jdbc directory of the solidDB® package.
solidDB® ODBC Driver 3.5.x
solidDB® provides two ODBC drivers, one for Unicode and one for ASCII character sets. For more information about these drivers, see the solidDB® Programmer Guide.
The following functions are not supported:
ODBC extensions
solidDB® ODBC driver incorporates several extensions for, for example, timeout controls, statement cache behavior, and support for Transparent Connectivity. For more information, see the solidDB® Programmer Guide.
Proprietary interfaces
The solidDB® Application Programming Interface (SA API) and solidDB® Server Control API (SSC API) allow, for example, C programs to directly call functions inside the database server. These proprietary interfaces are provided with the solidDB® shared memory access (SMA) and linked library access (LLA) libraries.
System tools and utilities
The solidDB® server package includes console tools for data management and administration, and command-line utilities for data export and import.
The tools and utilities are available in the ‘bin’ directory in the solidDB® server installation directory.
Console tools
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql) is a console tool that you can use to issue SQL statements and solidDB® ADMIN COMMANDs at the command prompt. You can also execute script files that contain the SQL statements.
solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
solidDB® Remote Control (solcon) is a console tool for administration; users with administrator rights can issue ADMIN COMMANDs at the command prompt or by executing a script file that contains the commands. With solcon, the ADMIN COMMANDs can be issued as part of the solcon startup command line.
Because only users with administrator rights can access solcon, if only solcon is deployed at a production site, the administrators cannot accidentally execute SQL statements that could change the data.
See also
Tools for exporting and loading data
Tools for exporting and loading data
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload)
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload) loads data from an external file into a database.
solidDB® Export (solexp)
solidDB® Export (solexp) exports data from a database into a file. It also creates control files used by solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload) to perform data load operations.
solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd)
solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd) exports the data dictionary of a database. It produces an SQL script that contains data definition statements that describe the structure of the database.
IBM InfoSphere CDC packages
The IBM InfoSphere CDC components are delivered as separately deployable packages.
IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB®:
The IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® package contains the software for the replication engine that captures and transfers data changes between solidDB® and other databases.
IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® installation images:
Component name
Installation package
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture solidDB®
Linux and UNIX
For example:
Software for the configuration tool and the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance for solidDB®
solidDB® JDBC Driver (SolidDriver2.0.jar in the /lib directory)
Tools, utilities, and samples (/samples directory)
– Automation tools, utilities, and samples for scripting most common IBM InfoSphere CDC tasks (ucutils, ucpassthrough, and uchsbmonitor directories)
– Generic IBM InfoSphere CDC samples for Java user exits and SQL scripts
IBM InfoSphere CDC API documentation (/docs directory)
IBM InfoSphere CDC for backend
The IBM InfoSphere CDC for backend package contains the software for the replication engine that captures and transfers data changes between the backend and solidDB® databases.
Component name
Installation package
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture for a backend data server
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture DB2 Linux, UNIX, and Windows 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Informix 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Oracle Trigger 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Oracle Redo 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Sybase 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture DB2 z/OS 6.5
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture DB2 iSeries 6.1
Linux and UNIX:
For example:
Software for the configuration tool and the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance for backend data server
PDF format IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture, End-User Documentation (/docs directory)
Sample Java user exits and SQL scripts (/samples directory)
IBM InfoSphere CDC API documentation (/docs directory)
IBM InfoSphere CDC Access Server
The IBM InfoSphere CDC Access Server package contains the software for controlling access to the replication environment.
IBM InfoSphere CDC for Access Server installation images:
Component name
Installation package
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Access Server
Linux and UNIX
For example:
For example:
Software for controlling access to your replication environment
IBM InfoSphere CDC Management Console
The IBM InfoSphere CDC Management Console package contains the software for configuring and monitoring user access and replication subscriptions. Management Console is available only on Windows environments.
IBM InfoSphere CDC Management Console installation images:
Component name
Installation package
IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Management Console
Linux and UNIX
Not applicable, Management Console is available only on Windows environments
For example:
Software for configuring and monitoring IBM InfoSphere CDC user access and replication subscriptions
PDF format IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture Management Console, Administration Guide (/documentation directory)
Online help (accessible through Help menu in the Management Console user interface)
IBM Java SDK and Runtime Environment Guides (/docs directory)
IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI package
The IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI is delivered as a compressed file. It is used with the SQL passthrough feature in Universal Cache if the backend data server is an IBM data server.
Windows operating systems:
Linux and UNIX operating systems:
There is no installation program for the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI. Instead, you must install the driver manually by uncompressing the file.
See also
Component and installation package information