Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > Business Layer – Basic Viewpoints > ArchiMate Organization Viewpoint – Aggregated By
ArchiMate Organization Viewpoint – Aggregated By
This is a hierarchical diagram in which you relate items using System Architect’s hierarchical drawing method – there are no relationship lines on the Draw toolbar – you relate items by placing them under a parent item until they autoconnect.
On this diagram you can visualize aggregation relationships between the following types:
ArchiMate Business Actor
ArchiMate Business Collaboration
ArchiMate Business Role
ArchiMate Location
See also
ArchiMate Organization Viewpoint – Composed By
ArchiMate Business Layer
ArchiMate Business Process Cooperation Viewpoint
ArchiMate Product Viewpoint
ArchiMate Service Realization Viewpoint
Business Layer – Basic Viewpoints