Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > Strategy Viewpoints > ArchiMate Capability Map Viewpoint
ArchiMate Capability Map Viewpoint
The Capability Map enables a structured overview of the capabilities of the enterprise. A capability map shows levels of capabilities across the enterprise – with lower-level capabilities inside higher-level capabilities.
Although many ArchiMate elements can be drawn on the Capability Map, you primarily show Capabilities inside parent Capabilities. To build the diagram:
1 Draw a Capability on the diagram.
2 Enlarge it.
3 Draw new Capabilities on the diagram inside the enlarged parent Capability (or place them on the diagram and move them inside the enlarged parent).
4 The Composed/Composed By relationship will automatically form between the parent and child Capability.
Note If you move the child Capability out of the parent, it will remove the relationship; if you move a lower-level Capability into a new parent, it will create the new Composed/Composed By relationship.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can also see the lower-level Capabilities assigned to a parent, higher-level Capability in the Composes page of the parent Capability. Note that you can increase the size of the definition dialog by clicking the Expand button in the lower right-hand corner.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Heat Map
The Capability Map can be used as a Heat Map. To do so, complete these steps:
1 Understand what reports you want to run against a Capability to visualize some information about it.
This could be running a report against native ArchiMate relationships (for example, show me the Capabilities related to an Application that uses a Technology such as JavaScript), or
running a report against some custom properties you have added to the metamodel of your architecture. For example, the following bit of USPROPS.TXT code adds a new set of properties to an ArchiMate Capability to allow you to rank its Strategic Alignment.
To add this to the metamodel, open the USPROPS.TXT file (Tools > Customize User Properties > Export USPROPS.TXT (Encyclopedia)), add the code to the USPROPS.TXT file, import it into the encyclopedia (Tools > Customize User Properties > Import USPROPS.TXT (Encyclopedia)), and reopen the encyclopedia:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select View > Heat Map Manager.
3 In the Heat Map Manager that opens to the right of the drawing workspace, select the button Click to create new analytic (Analytic Builder Wizard).
4 In the Analytic Builder Wizard, click to Create analytic and name it – for example, High Strategic Alignment.
5 On page two of the Analytic Builder Wizard, click to Create a new report and name it (for example, Capability Strategic Alignment = High).
6 In the report dialog, select Definition of type ArchiMate Capability, and then specify the conditions of this report, such as pictured below – in this case, Strategic Alignment = High.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
7 Click OK to continue through the wizard and select what the analytic will do to the diagram (for example, select a Fill Color for the analytic, or icon, or font color, and so on).
8 On step 4 of the wizard, create a new analytic collection by selecting Yes, add to new analytic collection and naming it (for example, Strategic Alignment of Capabilities).
9 Create additional analytics and associated reports by repeating the steps above for other conditions – for example, Strategic Alignment = Moderate, and Strategic Alignment = Low. When building these analytics, select to Add them to Existing Analytic on step 4 of the wizard.
10 With values input for the Capabilities, run the analytics by selecting them in the Heat Map Manager and clicking the Run Analytic (check mark) button on the top left of Heat Map Manager. The analytic reports run to auto-color the diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
ArchiMate Strategy Viewpoint
ArchiMate Outcome Realization Viewpoint
ArchiMate Resource Map Viewpoint
Strategy Viewpoints