Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > Strategy Viewpoints > ArchiMate Resource Map Viewpoint
ArchiMate Resource Map Viewpoint
The Resource Map Viewpoint shows a structured overview of the resources of the enterprise – by drawing Resources inside higher-level Resources they belong to in a box-in-box format.
You can run analytics on the Resource Map to automatically create a Heat Map to identify areas of investment.
You can optionally show the relationship between Resources and the Capabilities they are assigned to.
The ArchiMate elements that can be drawn on this diagram are:
Work package
How to construct the diagram and build Heat Maps
The Resource Map is constructed in a similar way to the ArchiMate Capability Map (see ArchiMate Capability Map Viewpoint) – except Resources are placed inside other Resources. You can also create a Heat Map of Resources in a similar way to building a Heat Map of Capabilities on the ArchiMate Capability Map.
See also
ArchiMate Strategy Viewpoint
ArchiMate Outcome Realization Viewpoint
Strategy Viewpoints