Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Activity Based Costing > Tools and methods for ABC > Tools for ABC allocation
Tools for ABC allocation
System Architect supports allocation as the means of associating costs to activities.
ABC capability is built-in and is utilized by two different diagram types:
IDEF0 diagrams
Process Charts
This diagram type utilizes decreasing levels of abstraction to facilitate the activity modeling process. Using this method you can identify and decompose activities until you discover sufficiently low level activities and assign costs. When costs are assigned to the Leaf Level Activities, the costs for that activity are added up, the sums totaled, and rolled up level by level to the top activity. The ABC feature multiplies activity frequency with the cost of the driver, if the driver is set to be variable.
Process Charts
This diagram type does not require the use of abstraction for activity analysis. Instead, you lay out the activity as an end-to-end Process Chart that can exist all on a single level of abstraction. Costs for an activity (Elementary Business Process in terms of that method) are summed and displayed; the frequency multiplier is used as described above.
See also
Tools and methods for ABC