Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating resource utilization > Resource allocation
Resource allocation
See also Simulating resource utilization.
The Resource Allocation definition allows the user to select which Roles will become available to work on a process during simulation. When allocating through the Process Symbols you can select a Single Resource or a Group Resource.
Single Resources determine how many roles will be available to work on a particular process.
Group Resources allows you to create a list of different roles that will become available at a particular process. The order in which you have entered the roles in the allocation list will determine who will be available first. You can either select All from the list or One of the list.
All from the list: Determines each role that is listed will carry out the process.
One of the list: If one role is unavailable, the next role on the list will carry out the process.
Note For Group Resources the priority for applying the resource is determined by the order of the item in the allocation list, while another list determines whether any one or all items in the allocation list are required to carry out the process.
See also
Simulating resource utilization