Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models
Simulation of Process Models
Simulation of IDEF3 Process Models, BPMN, and Process Charts is provided in System Architect using Lanner’s WITNESS simulation tool as the engine. You can specify simulation parameters in a context diagram and child sub-diagrams, and then simulate the overall Process Model in a “lite” version of Lanner’s WITNESS product called SAViewer. The SAViewer window provides graphical animation of the simulation, as well as reporting features and some user interaction capabilities (but not all those provided in the full version of WITNESS).
System Architect Simulator provides the following key features:
You can simulate IDEF3 Process Flow, BPMN, Process Chart diagrams, and child sub-diagrams, so that an overall hierarchical process flow model can be simulated.
All simulation properties are specified in the System Architect user interface. The System Architect user interface has been upgraded to change the properties shown on dialogs in real-time based on selections that you make. For example, if you specify that a Unit of Behavior is of type Event, then the properties shown in the dialog change accordingly.
System Architect Simulator provides “dashboard” reporting that provides summary statistics and graphs including Sigma ratings, profit calculations, and cycle times.
Reports can be saved to MS Excel and compared to subsequent simulation runs.
An “Optimizer” facility, available as an add-on to SAViewer, enables you to automatically calculate optimum process parameters
Introduction to simulation
Process simulation provides a graphic representation of processes, people, and technology in a dynamic computer model. A model, when simulated, mimics the operations of the business, by stepping through the events in compressed time while displaying an animated picture of the flow.
For more information, see Introduction to simulation.
Specify how tokens or objects enter a process
You must create one or more `tokens' that will pass through a business process flow diagram. A token might represent a reservation request in a reservation system, an unwashed car in a car wash, and so forth.
For more information, see Specify how tokens or objects enter a process.
Simulating resource utilization
For details of the basic steps to specify how resources are used to perform processes, see Simulating resource utilization.
Simulating costing information
You can specify and simulate how much gross revenue you get from a process, how much it costs, and what net revenue is. You specify revenues in Objects that pass through the process. You can specify cost in several places: on the objects themselves, on the processes, and on the Roles that perform the processes.
For more information, see Simulating costing information.
Specifying simulation of a child diagram
When you have created a child diagram for a process using standard tool techniques, and specified simulation properties for the events, processes, and gateways of the child diagram, you can set up the child diagram for simulation.
For more information, see Specifying simulation of a child diagram.
Validating the model
When all the simulation properties have been entered the model can be validated. This will allow you to run the simulation without any unseen errors. To validate your diagram, simply select Tools, SA Simulator, Validate Simulation.
For more information, see Validating the model.
Running the simulator
See Running the simulator.
Simulating business process diagrams
All the diagrams and definitions applicable to simulation using the BPMN notation are contained in the existing browser. Objects are stored in a hierarchy and can be reused by dragging from the browser into diagrams and definitions where appropriate.
For more information, see Simulating business process diagrams.
Simulating IDEF3 process flow diagrams
All the diagrams and definitions applicable to simulation using the IDEF3 notation are contained in the existing browser. Objects are stored in a hierarchy and can be reused by dragging from the browser into diagrams and definitions where appropriate.
For more information, see Simulating IDEF3 process flow diagrams.
Simulating Process Chart diagrams
All the diagrams and definitions applicable to simulation using the Catalyst notation are contained in the existing browser. Objects are stored in a hierarchy and can be reused by dragging from the browser into diagrams and definitions where appropriate.
For more information, see Simulating Process Chart diagrams.
Using the System Architect simulator window
The System Architect Simulator window is a lite version of Lanner's WITNESS Simulator product. It animates the BPMN Process Flow diagrams from System Architect, and more importantly provides important dashboard information about the simulation.
For more information, see Using the System Architect simulator window.
Generating reports from the System Architect simulator window
Learn about the generating reports from the System Architect Simulator window
For more information, see Generating reports from the System Architect simulator window.
Saving the simulation
The simulation can be saved as a .mod file from the SA Simulator's File menu. You can reopened this file either in the System Architect Simulator or the full WITNESS product.
For more information, see Saving the simulation.
Simulation tutorials
You can complete tutorials related to simulation of Process Flows.
For more information, see Simulation tutorials.
See also
Introduction to simulation
Enabling the simulator
Specify how tokens or objects enter a process
Simulating resource utilization
Simulating costing information
Specifying simulation of a child diagram
Validating the model
Running the simulator
Simulating business process diagrams
Simulating IDEF3 process flow diagrams
Simulating Process Chart diagrams
Using the System Architect simulator window
Generating reports from the System Architect simulator window
Saving the simulation
Simulation tutorials
Business Process Analysis (BPA)