Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating resource utilization > Time profile
Time profile
The Time Profile distinguishes how long it will take the Role (Resources) to carry out the process. Time profiles can be defined as either constant values, variables or distributions (using the distributions wizard).
Simulation properties
Value Type and Time Units
Select how long this profile will last.
Distribution button
Enables the Distribution Wizard to assist in the entering of common distributions types and user defined distributions. Distributions are automatically added to applicable fields through the use of a wizard that guides the user through the creation of the syntax.
Represents a predefined value attribute can be reused across the model.
Assigning time profiles
Time Profiles are assigned through the Process Symbol.
1 Open the Process Symbol by double‑clicking it or right-click it, and then click Edit.
2 Double‑click a Process Symbol to open the Resources Allocation dialog box, and then click the Sim Process tab.
3 On page 2, you will find the Service Time Profile group. To add a new Time Profile click the grid, and then type the name of the Time Profile. You can also click Choices to reveal existing Time Profiles that can be dragged into the Service Time grid.
See also
Simulating resource utilization