Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating costing information
Simulating costing information
You can specify and simulate how much gross revenue you get from a process, how much it costs, and what net revenue is. You specify revenues in Objects that pass through the process. You can specify cost in several places: on the objects themselves, on the processes, and on the Roles that perform the processes.
Revenue information
Specify revenue information in the definition of the Objects that will pass through the process.
Object definition
In the Sim Definition tab of the object, you can specify the following properties:
Fixed Cost
An example, for a car wash, would be the rent.
Cost Per Arrival
An example, for a car wash, would be the cost of materials to wash each car.
Revenue Within Goal
An example, for a car wash, would be the amount you charge for a car wash.
Revenue Outside Goal
The revenue you receive even if you do not service the customer, or make a product, in your goal. An example, for a car wash, would be the revenue you receive if your lines are too long and the customer decides to not wait in line: your revenue would be zero.
Revenue if Defective
The revenue you receive from a product even if it is defective.
Costing information
In the Sim Process tab of the BPMN Process definition, you can specify the following costs:
Process Costing
When Process Idle: per time period
When Process Busy: per time period
Other Costs
Processing Each Object/Batch: per Setup Time Unit
Cost of Providing Process: per Setup Time Unit
Role definition
In the Sim Definition tab of the Role definition, you can specify the following costs:
Role Costing
When Role Idle, per time period
When Role Busy, per time period
Other Costs
Charge per Object
Providing Resource
See also
Simulation of Process Models