Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Specifying simulation of a child diagram
Specifying simulation of a child diagram
When you have created a child diagram for a process using standard tool techniques, and specified simulation properties for the events, processes, and gateways of the child diagram, you can set up the child diagram for simulation.
1 In the start event on the child diagram, select Inherit (Generate) in its Sim Event tab.
2 In the end event on the child diagram, select Pass Objects (Terminate).
3 For proper Six Sigma calculations, set the Service Levels, Goal or Reject property to Neither. This is a “passing” event, and should have no effect on Six Sigma calculations.
4 In the definition of the parent BPMN process on the parent diagram, go to its Sim Child Diagram tab, and make sure to specify the child diagram in the Child Diagram to be Simulated property, and also toggle on the Include child Diagram in simulation choice.
If you set the Child Character as neither iterative nor parallel, then the properties in the Parallel group below that do not have effect; they have an effect only if you specify Child Character as parallel.
See also
Simulation of Process Models