Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Validating the model
Validating the model
When all the simulation properties have been entered the model can be validated. This will allow you to run the simulation without any unseen errors. To validate your diagram, select Tools > SA Simulator > Validate Simulation.
The validation checks performed are:
All symbols have one link in and one link out unless they are designated as events or results.
Junctions/Gateways are either “fan in” or “fan out”. Fan in junctions have many links flowing in and only one link flowing out; the opposite is true of fan out.
Symbols must be named and connected to each other.
There must be at least one event and one result in the diagram and these inherit objects from the parent in a child diagram.
Events not generating objects themselves or inheriting from the parent
Invalid property values, for example: buffer capacity exceeds the maximum permitted.
Mandatory fields have been populated according to context, for example: an assembly type process must know how many objects are to be assembled.
A report is produced that lists errors that prevent the simulation from running; these are indicated by an asterisk. The report also warns the user about noncritical areas of the model that the user might have overlooked.
The report is run automatically when the simulation run is requested and will not run the simulation until all items with an asterisk are resolved.
Note The simulation treats the diagram which is selected in System Architect as the context diagram for simulation so you must make sure that the correct diagram is selected.
See also
Simulation of Process Models