Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating business process diagrams > Simulation properties of BPMN symbol types > Start event: setting simulation properties
Start event: setting simulation properties
Start Event symbols represent when an Object will be introduced into a business process. To create and then simulate a Start event, you must draw it, assign a simulation BPMN Event Type to it (independent of BPMN Trigger Type property), and then assign generated objects. These objects must be created outside of the event definition. For more information on how to do this, read below.
Assigning a simulation type to a start event
Even if you have drawn an output flow from an event symbol to another symbol, and System Architect has made the event look like a BPMN start event (solid circle), you must still specify that the event is a Start event.
1 Open the definition dialog of an Event symbol (double-click it or right-click, Edit).
2 Click the Sim Definition tab. In the BPMN Event Type property, select Start.
3 Click Apply.
A property set displays in the Event definition specific for a Start event. For example, a Sim Event tab is added to the dialog.
Note Specifying an Event as a Start event, Intermediate Event, End Event, or Message event is completely perpendicular to the BPMN Trigger Type property, or BPMN notational ontology. To simulate an event, you must specify its appropriate type in the BPMN Event Type property of its Sim Definition tab.
Specifying objects that get generated
In System Architect, the object (or token) used for simulation in BPMN diagrams is the same object definition used in the UML modeling portion of the tool; thus you must turn on the UML choice for the encyclopedia for objects to be available.
1 Select Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
2 Select both of these properties:
Simulation (under Business Modeling).
3 Reopen the encyclopedia for the changes to take effect.
Specifying how objects enter a process
You specify what objects enter a process in the definition of Start Events on the BPMN diagram. You must create the objects external to the event definition: you cannot create them while in the event definition. You typically do this through the Browser/Explorer: for example, right-click the Definitions selection in the Browser/Explorer; click New; and then select Object in the list of definition types.
When the Object is created, you can drag it into the Start Event definition.
1 Open the Start Event definition (on a BPMN diagram, an event designated as a Start event has an outgoing flow only).
2 Click the Sim Event tab. In the Generated Objects property, click Choices.
3 Drag one or more objects into the Generated Objects property list.
Specifying objects that get passed down from parent diagram
A Start Event can generate one or more objects. The exception is if it is receiving objects from a parent diagram. On child diagrams you can designate an Event symbol to receive objects from the parent by selecting Inherit (Generate) on the Sim Event tab. This option enables the event to inherit the objects from the parent diagram and will not generate any new objects. A Start event has a start event type that defines the cause for the event.
1 Open the Event symbol, and then click the Sim Event tab.
2 In the Generated Entities field, type the name of the Object that you want to process, and then click Add. You can also click Choices to reveal existing Objects that can be dragged into the Generated Entities field.
Note A single event must be designated at child level to receive objects from the parent. If more than one event is designated the validation fails, as does a request to simulate a child diagram with no receiving event designated.
Setting arrival times of objects
To specify arrival times of Objects in an event, see BPMN objects.
See also
Simulation properties of BPMN symbol types