Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating business process diagrams > Adding the child diagram for simulation
Adding the child diagram for simulation
You can include child diagrams to be simulated, but only one at a time. You must specify in the Parent diagram which child diagram you want to include in the simulation process.
1 From the Parent Symbol, select the Sim Child Diagram tab.
2 For the Child Diagram to be Simulated property, click the Choices button to get a list of IDEF3 Process Flow diagrams.
3 Drag the Child diagram into the Child Diagram to be Simulated field.
Removing a child diagrams from simulation
You can remove child diagrams to be simulated.
If you do not want to include the child diagram, clear Include child diagram in simulation. The child diagram will keep its link to the parent, but will be ignored when the Simulation begins.
Specifying child characters
The following child character can be specified.
Child character
Select Iterative, Parallel, or Neither iterative nor parallel.
The child parallel process can either allocate objects to each parallel instance or split the same object (and rejoin) across them.
Parallel split
Select to split the object and rejoin the process.
Parallel instances
Specify the number of instances that will occur.
Specifying the child diagram as being iterative
This option is only available in the IDEF3 Process Flow and BPMN Business Process diagrams. Process Charts has its own symbol called Iteration with the same properties.
The following Simulation properties apply:
Value type
Distribution/Distribution button
Enables the Distribution Wizard to assist in the entering of common distributions types and user defined distributions. Distributions are automatically added to applicable fields through the use of a wizard that guides the user through the creation of the syntax.
Represents a predefined value attribute that can be reused across the model.
See also
Simulating business process diagrams