Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating Process Chart diagrams > Process Chart events
Process Chart events
Event symbols represent when an Object will be introduced into a business process. They can generate one or more objects unless they are receiving objects from the parent diagram. On child diagrams you can designate an Event symbol to receive objects from the parent by selecting Inherit (Generate) on the Sim Event tab. This option allows the event to inherit the objects from the parent diagram and will not generate any new objects.
Assigning process objects to an event from the context diagram
1 Open the Event symbol and select the Sim Event tab.
2 In the Generated Entities field type in the name of the Process Object that you want to process, and then click Add. You can also click Choices to reveal existing Process Objects that can be dragged into the Generated Entities field.
Note A single event must be designated at child level to receive objects from the parent. If more than one event is designated the validation will fail as will a request to simulate a child diagram with no receiving event designated.
See also
Simulating Process Chart diagrams