Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating Process Chart diagrams > Mandatory and optional sequence links
Mandatory and optional sequence links
The purpose of each link is to send all the information through the diagram in order to get the correct results for the Simulation Process.
Mandatory Sequence
A Mandatory Sequence line is used to model the fact that the flow must be taken.
Optional Sequences are also used in conjunction with the drawing of a Fan-In or Fan-Out Process Symbol. In the definition dialog the Sim Symbol tab enables you to associate what type of logic that will be used. There are five types available: Attribute, Object Type, Probability, Shortest Queue, and Time in Model. When the logic type has been established, click Apply to reveal the appropriate Logic tab.
When defining a Fan Out or a Fan In Process Symbol logic settings are determined by the type of link that has been chosen to pass the object downstream. The settings are as described below:
AND Logic requires the Mandatory Sequence Line.
OR Logic requires the Optional Sequence Line.
XOR Logic requires the Optional Sequence Line with an Exclusive Arc Character.
See also
Simulating Process Chart diagrams