Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating Process Chart diagrams > Process objects
Process objects
Objects arriving into the process are depicted in the Simulation by an Icon and have attributes associated to them which enable cost and revenue calculations to be made. There are two Arrival Types to choose from Arrival profiles or Inter arrival time. When the arrival type has been established, select the Apply button to reveal the appropriate arrival tab.
When defining an Process Object the following Simulation properties apply:
Type of Object that is generated.
Symbol Icon and Default Icons
Represent what the Object will become.
When the Object will introduced into the process.
Arrival Profile
Individual time profiles that require the quantity and duration values to be set for arriving objects.
Arrival Interval Time
Objects can arrive at regular time intervals.
Cost/Revenue - how must the Object will cost when generated.
Fixed Cost
Enter the fixed cost for the object.
Cost Per Arrival
Enter the cost when object arrives.
Revenue within Goal
Enter the cost that you want to reach.
Revenue Outside Goal
Enter the cost the outside revenue.
Revenue if Defective
Enter the cost of defective revenue.
See also
Simulating Process Chart diagrams