Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Generating reports from the System Architect simulator window > Reports for six sigma, service levels, and activity utilization
Reports for six sigma, service levels, and activity utilization
SA Viewer provides reports for Six Sigma, Activity Utilization, Queue Sizes, Service Levels, Resource Utilization, Throughput, and Cost Breakdowns. These are all custom reports created for the System Architect user, and they are available from the SA Viewer toolbar, and also by selecting Reports, Reports Using. A customer with full WITNESS can create their own reports in addition to these. (You cannot create your own reports in SA Viewer.)
To run a six sigma report
1 Either click the Six Sigma toolbar button, or select Reports, Report Using to open the User Defined Report Selector dialog.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You will see a report for Six Sigma amongst other report types.
Essentially, Six Sigma is a ratio of the number of completed objects in specified goal divided by the total number of objects that are run through the model. Objects that end up in nonsignificant events are counted, and rejected objects are not counted.
2 Right-click in the Six Sigma report (and the output from the other reports) and save the report as an image file (JPG format). You are clicking inside the graphing companion that is being used for the report output. If you want the data itself, use Reports > Statistics.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Generating reports from the System Architect simulator window