Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulation tutorials > Simulation of BPMN Business Process Flows > Steps to build model > 9. Specifying Service Time Profiles for processes on child diagram
9. Specifying Service Time Profiles for processes on child diagram
The processes we have modeled on this diagram need to have Service Time Profiles specified, so that the simulator will know how long each process takes.
1 For the process Check Availability of Standard Room, open its definition, and on Page 2 of its Sim Process tab, specify a Service Time Profile of CheckStandardRoomAvailability, and set Distribution to Triangle with a minimum of .5  minutes, a maximum of 2 minutes, and a mean of 1 minute, as shown in the picture below.
Service Time Profile of Standard Room
2 For the process Check Availability of Family Room, open its definition, and on Page 2 of its Sim Process tab, specify a Service Time Profile of CheckFamilyRoomAvailability, and set Distribution to LogNormal with a mean of 1.5 minutes, a standard deviation of 0.6 minutes, as shown in the picture below.
Service Time Profile Family Room
The processes OK and No are modeled on our diagram to simply gather information for simulation. They have no relation to anything happening in the real-world hotel, and therefore they take zero time to occur.
3 For the process OK, open its definition, and on Page 2 of its Sim Process tab, specify a Service Time Profile of ZeroTime, and set it to a Constant distribution with a value of 0 minutes, as shown in the picture below.
Zero Time
4 Do the same for the process No – specify a Service Time Profile of ZeroTime, and set it to a Constant distribution with a value of 0 minutes.
5 Save the diagram.
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10. Finishing specification of the parent diagram
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Steps to build model