Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulation tutorials > Simulation of IDEF3 Process Flows > Set Up the simulation > 10. Creating Resource Allocations
10. Creating Resource Allocations
As mentioned in the previous topic (see 9. Creating Resource Availability), Resource Allocation specifies how many resources (or roles) are needed to do a job. A Role is allocated to a process symbol through the Resources Allocation property box.
We will create two Resource Allocation definitions.
1 Within System Architect’s Explorer, highlight the Definitions branch and select New.
2 In the ‘Select new type for all Methods’ dialog, scroll down and double-click the Resource Allocation definition.
3 Enter Orders Manager as the name of the Resource Allocation.
4 On the Introduction tab, leave the default setting of Single Resource as the Allocation Type.
C:\Users\wjn\AppData\Local\Temp\793021\Res Allocation 1.gif
5 Select the Single tab.
6 Locate the Resource property field and select the Choices button. The Select and Drag dialog opens with a list of Roles.
7 Drag and drop Orders Manager in the Resource property field.
8 Leave the Quantity Allocated at its default value of 1. This means it takes one Orders Manager to perform the process that this Resource Allocation will be assigned to.
C:\Users\wjn\AppData\Local\Temp\793021\Res Allocation 2.gif
9 Press OK.
Group Resource Allocations
There are some processes that require more than one person working at them for them to be accomplished. To model this we will create a Group Resource Allocation.
1 Using the same method as above, create a Resource Allocation named Orders.
2 On the Introduction tab, toggle ‘on’ Group Resource as the Allocation Type and press the Apply button.
Note When the Apply button is pressed, the tabs on the dialog will change – there will now be a Group tab (it used to named Single).
3 Select the Group tab.
4 In the Allocation List grid, type Orders Clerk 1 (and press Enter) and Orders Clerk 2 (and press Enter). Leave the default values for Allocation Type and Quantity Allocated.
Note When creating a Group Resource Allocation, you must make sure that every resource in the Allocation List has a matching Resource definition attached to it. If you do not do so, you will receive an error stating that your Resource Allocation does not reference a Resource – Resource when validating or running the Simulation.
5 Assign a Resource to Orders Clerk 1 by putting your cursor in the Resource cell of Orders Clerk 1, and then right-click to reveal a Choices button. Click the Choices button that pops up to open a Select and Drag dialog, with a list of Roles that we previously created. Select and drag the Orders Clerk 1 into the Resource grid box. This will give you a matching resource for the Allocation Name.
6 Using the same method as above, drag and drop the Orders Clerk 2 into the Resource grid box.
C:\Users\wjn\AppData\Local\Temp\793021\Res Allocation 3.gif
7 At the bottom of the dialog on the Group tab, leave the default value All from a List. This will indicate that we want to use both resources in the process symbol.
8 Press OK to accept the changes.
Next topic
11. Allocating resources to a process symbol
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Set Up the simulation