Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture > Creating capability taxonomy diagrams
Creating capability taxonomy diagrams
You can create capability taxonomy (hierarchy) diagram to establish capabilities that your architecture provides, or must provide. This diagram enables you to think hierarchically; you can arrange capabilities to show their composition in a tree-like structure.
This diagram is provided to the DoDAF user as an optional diagram to work with. It is the same as the StV-2 diagram from MODAF, but the diagram does not have a prefix for the DoDAF user because it is not contained in the DoDAF 1.5 specification.
1 Select File, New Diagram or select Diagrams in the All Methods tab in the explorer, right-click it, and then select New. The Select new type for All Methods dialog appears.
2 Double‑click Capability Taxonomy. The New Diagram dialog opens.
3 Enter a name and click OK. The diagram is created.
You can manually draw a Capability Taxonomy diagram. When you do so, you connect Capabilities underneath one another using System Architect's autoconnect drawing feature that is available on hierarchical-type diagrams.
4 Select a Capability symbol from the toolbar and draw it on the diagram.
5 While still in draw mode, draw another capability symbol, and position it underneath the first Capability symbol. Keep the mouse button pressed until you see a vertical line appear between the two symbols, denoting they will be connected. Release the mouse button.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note You can also create a capability taxonomy diagram automatically from a capability cluster diagram. With the capability cluster diagram open and in focus, save the most recent changes that you have made to the diagram; then click Tools > DoDAF Utilities > Convert StV-2 to StV-4. The new diagram is created. Capability symbols that are drawn in other capability symbols on the capability cluster diagram, denoting containment, are represented as a hierarchy on the capability taxonomy diagram.
Note The following images show a capability cluster diagram on the left and the generated capability taxonomy diagram on the right.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture