Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture > Viewing and specifying dependencies between capabilities
Viewing and specifying dependencies between capabilities
You can open the capability dependency matrix to show and specify dependencies between capabilities.
This matrix is provided to the DoDAF user as an optional matrix to work with. It is the same as the StV-4 matrix of MODAF, but since the DoDAF specification does not call for it, it does not have any prefix for the DoDAF user, and it is simply called the capability dependency matrix.
1 Select View > Matrix Browser.
2 In the Matrix Browser dialog, select the Capability Dependency matrix.
3 Select the Next and Finish buttons to walk through the filter dialogs and open the matrix.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
All Capabilities are listed in both the columns and rows of the matrix. The Capabilities in the rows represent supplier capabilities; the Capabilities in the columns represent client capabilities.
When you open the Capability Dependency matrix, the definitions of all Capabilities, which reflect client-supplier relationships of all saved Capability Cluster diagrams, are read by the matrix and represented. An X in a cell that intersects a 'supplier' Capability YYYY with a 'client' Capability ZZZZ, means that a Capability Dependency line is drawn from the 'supplier' Capability YYYY to the 'client' Capability ZZZZ on the Capability Cluster diagram. The Dependency line has an arrowhead drawn into the client Capability ZZZZ. A Capability can depend on itself; in this case a line is drawn from it and back into it.
4 Place X in cells of the matrix to relate Supplier Capabilities to Client Capabilities as you see fit, and save the matrix by selecting Matrix, Save.
5 Open a Capability Cluster diagram. You can, at any point, make the diagram reflect the contents of the Capability Dependency matrix by selecting Tools, DoDAF Utilities, Generate StV-4 Capability Dependencies from Matrix.
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See also
Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture