Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture > Specifying the operational activities needed to produce capabilities
Specifying the operational activities needed to produce capabilities
You can specify the operational activities needed to produce capabilities by opening the capability to operational mapping matrix. When doing so, you specify how important the operational activity is in realizing the capability: critical, important, necessary, nonessential, or low.
When you reload this matrix, analytic colors are applied to the status levels. This matrix is provided to the DoDAF user as an optional matrix to work with. It is also in the MODAF version of System Architect.
To generate the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix
1 Select View > Matrix Browser.
2 In the Matrix Browser dialog, select the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix.
3 Walk through the matrix opening wizard, that enables you to filter the contents of the matrix that is presented, click Next, and then click Finish.
The matrix opens. The following matrices also open:
SV-5 System Function to Operational Activity
System Function to Operational Activity
System to Capability
System to System Function
4 Specify each Operational Activity that provides a Capability by selecting a status from the list of the cell intersecting the two definitions. When doing so, you specify how important the Operational Activity is in realizing the Capability: Critical, Important, Necessary, Non-Essential, or Low.
5 Click Matrix > Reload to reload the matrix. Analytic colors are applied to the status levels.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Right-click a cell that has a status specified, and then click Edit Cell Definition.
7 Notice that the cell is defined by a Capability/Operation definition. This cell definition holds the row (Capability) and column (Operational Activity) definitions, as well as other properties of the intersection, such as Status.
Note If you view the saprops metamodel language that enables the color analytics in this matrix, you will see the code listed below. The depictions clause is being used to fill the matrix with a color specified by the three-number code. For example, the color red (236,062,064) is used to denote a Critical status.
LIST "Capability Status Colors"
VALUE "1-Critical" depictions {fill color {236,062,064}}
VALUE "2-Important" depictions {fill color {255,194,035}}
VALUE "3-Necessary" depictions {fill color {250,219,000}}
VALUE "4-Nonessential" depictions {fill color {052,126,199}}
VALUE "5-Low" depictions {fill color {001,164,109}}
You can add an entry, or change the name or color of an existing entry by adding this block of code to the usrprops for an encyclopedia, and making necessary additions or changes. See the Extensibility section of the help for details on how to edit and deploy usrprops.
See also
Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture