Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture > Modeling a net-centric architecture
Modeling a net-centric architecture
Starting with DoDAF 1.5, users are encouraged to build net-centric architectures, and establish capabilities and services provided and used by the architecture. In an operational node definition, you can specify if the node is a service provider, service consumer, or unanticipated user of services.
These three operational node definitions are prepopulated into every encyclopedia. You might create new operational node instances; however the DoDAF specification specifically calls out to categorize nodes by one or more of these three roles.
1 In the diagram, double-click an operational node.
2 In the operational node definition dialog box, specify if the node is a Service Provider, Service Consumer, or Unanticipated User of Services.
3 Click OK.
See also
Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture