Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Using SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrices > Updating the artifacts shown in the SV-5b matrix
Updating the artifacts shown in the SV-5b matrix
The only Capabilities and Operational Activities that are presented in the SV-5b matrix are those that you have related to one another in the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix. Similarly, the System to System Function matrix enables you to relate System Entities to System Functions.
1 Make a new relationship in the traditional SV-5 matrix. In the example below, a new relationship is made between Adjust Camera Pod and Camera Pod Positioning System.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select Matrix > Save to save the matrix.
3 Put the SV-5b matrix in focus, and select Matrix > Reload.
The new System (Entity)/System Function pair is added to the matrix. In our example, this is “Camera Pod Positioning System\Adjust Camera Pod”, as the following image shows.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Using SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrices