Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > Generating DoDAF2 reports
Generating DoDAF2 reports
Starting with System Architect 11.4.1, DoDAF2 reports are provided as internal reports. They are no longer generated as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel formats. These reports use the DAF2.rpt and DoDAF2.xml file formats.
You can generate these reports with System Architect’s internal reporting system, System Architect Publisher, and System Architect® XT.
To generate DoDAF2 reports in System Architect
1 Open a DoDAF2 enabled encyclopedia.
2 Click Reports > Report Generator.
3 In the Reports dialog, select File > Open Report File.
If you are not pointing to the relative path above, and cannot find the .rpt files, browse until you are pointing at the correct directory. If you are using the network version of the product, the drive of your path depends on where the product is installed.
4 Double-click the report definition file named DAF2.rpt. The following reports become available:
OV-3 By Definition: ActivityResourceOverlap and associated information
OV-3 By Definitions: Resource Flows and associated performers
OV-3 By Diagram Report 1: Activity Resource Overlap and connected Activity
OV-3 By Diagram Report 2: Activity Resource Overlap and connected Activity
PV-3 By Definitions: Projects and Capabilities
StdV-1 Standards Profile
StdV-2 Standards Forecast
SV-06 By Definition: Systems Resource Flow Report
SV-06 By Diagram: Systems Resource Flow Report
SV-06b By Definition: Service Resource Flow Report
SV-3 By Definition: System to System Matrix
SV-3 By Diagram: System to System Matrix
SV-7 By Definition: Systems Measures Matrix
SV-7 By Diagram Systems Measures Matrix
5 Select a report, and then click Generate. The report opens in HTML format.
See also
Generating reports with System Architect Publisher
Generating reports with System Architect® XT