Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2
You can use the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) 2 feature to describe the architecture of a complex system. The DoDAF 2 feature provides an open architecture to build DoDAF 2 models based upon structured analysis and design techniques.
Configuring encyclopedias for DoDAF 2 modeling
To support the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) modeling, you must customize a new or existing project encyclopedia by configuring the encyclopedia properties.
For more information, see Configuring encyclopedias for DoDAF 2 modeling.
DoDAF 2.0 overview
The US Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0 is a major update to the previous DoDAF (Version 1.5) specification. It presents an entirely new metamodel, called the DoDAF metamodel 2 (DM2), and with it a new data-centric approach to building architectures. DoDAF 2 support in System Architect directly supports all of the concepts of DoDAF 2.0, including:
For more information, see DoDAF 2.0 overview.
DoDAF 2 metamodel overview
The DoDAF 2 metamodel (DM2) defines many artifacts and relationship types.
For more information, see DoDAF 2 metamodel overview.
Optimizing capabilities for DoDAF 2 modeling
You can enable capabilities in the product that simplify the drawing of DoDAF 2 subtypes, update DoDAF 2 icons, and improve the appearance of DoDAF 2 reports by using the NAMEONLY keyword at the report or property levels.
For more information, see Optimizing capabilities for DoDAF 2 modeling.
Measurements in DoDAF2
A technique for creating and maintaining measurement sets, measurement types in sets, pick lists for measurement types and instantiating these into measurement instances in DoDAF and other definitions without metamodel changes.
For more information, see Measurements in DoDAF2.
Generating DoDAF2 reports
Starting with System Architect 11.4.1, DoDAF2 reports are provided as internal reports. They are no longer generated as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel formats. These reports use the DAF2.rpt and DoDAF2.xml file formats, which have been placed in their respective subdirectory during the installation.
For more information, see Generating DoDAF2 reports.
Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints
DoDAF provides a way of abstracting information from the underlying complexity and presenting this information in a way that is understandable to stakeholders. It does this by dividing the enterprise architecture into manageable parts according to stakeholder viewpoints.
For more information, see Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints.
Reducing visual clutter in DoDAF 2 reports
You can reduce visual clutter and complexity in reports that you generate for DoDAF 2 by using the NAMEONLY keyword. When applied at the report level or for individual properties, the keyword prevents the generation of field prefixes and key GUIDs in the report output.
For more information, see Reducing visual clutter in DoDAF 2 reports.