Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints > Creating instances of definition types (DoDAF 2.0)
Creating instances of definition types (DoDAF 2.0)
You can create instances of certain types of definitions. Instances of definitions can have all or a subset of all of the properties of the base definition available, as specified in the metamodel. However, the instance of an object does not inherit property values from the object it instantiates.
You can specify specific values of properties in the instance of a definition. For example, a Person definition type can have a property, such as Height. An instance of the Person definition can be named “Fred,” and have a value for Height set to “6.”
Most definition types and some relationship types can have instance definitions in DoDAF 2. For more information, see the topics in the Related information section.
1 Create a new definition and specify its properties.
For example, create a Measures definition called Pay Grade, create a Person definition type called Pilot, and in its Measures property, click Choices; then drag a measure of Pay Grade to the field.
DoDAF2 Person definition type dialog box.
2 In the Explorer, right-click the new definition; then select Create Instance.
3 Type a name for the new instance.
For example, in the image below, “Fred” is specified as the name of this instance of Pilot.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 In the instance definition, in the Instance Of property, specify a value.
In the example image above, “GS14” is specified as the value of the Pay Grade property.
See also
Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints
Instance modeling