Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints > Building DoDAF 2 models for the Services Viewpoint
Building DoDAF 2 models for the Services Viewpoint
The models in the Services Viewpoint visualize services and their interconnections providing or supporting DoD functions. DoD functions include business and warfighting functions.
See also
SvcV-01 Services Context Description diagrams (DoDAF 2)
SvcV-02 Services Resource Flow Description diagrams (DoDAF 2)
SvcV-04 Services Functionality Description diagrams (DoDAF 2)
SvcV-04 Services Functionality Decomposition diagrams (DoDAF 2)
Generating SvcV-03a Systems to Services matrices (DoDAF 2)
Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints