Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints > Building DoDAF 2 models for the Project Viewpoint > Creating PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2) and Project Portfolio Relationships At Time (DM2) diagrams
Creating PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2) and Project Portfolio Relationships At Time (DM2) diagrams
The PV-01 (DM2) describes the dependency relationships between the organizations and projects and the organizational structures needed to manage a portfolio of projects. Projects have whole-part, temporal whole-part, and super-subtype relationships. Therefore, major projects can have minor projects in them, projects can have time phases, and projects can be categorized.
The following relationships exist:
Projects related to Project with Project Part of Project
Organizations related to Organizations with MemberOfOrganization
Organizations related to Projects with Owns (Projects would be child nodes)
There are two diagram types:
The Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2) is used to create a hierarchy of projects under organizations that own those projects regardless of the timing for those projects.
The Project Portfolio Relationships At Time (DM2) is used to show a subset of projects based on a specific timeframe (for example, all the projects with milestones in Q2 2013). The relationships drawn on this diagram do not affect the relationships drawn on the Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2) diagram. For example, you draw a relationship between Project 2 and Project 5 on the Project Portfolio Relationships At Time. In such a case, a relationship is not created between Project 2 and Project 5 on the Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2) diagram.
1 Click File > New Diagram.
2 In the Select All Methods dialog, select the PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2) to create a diagram of all projects regardless of their timing.
3 Select the PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships At Time (DM2) to create a diagram of projects for a specific time frame.
4 Type the name of the diagram and click OK.
5 In the new diagram, set the diagram properties and add symbols as needed.
You can specify the following diagram properties:
Description: A description of the diagram
Peers: Diagrams of the same type that are peers of the current diagram.
For the PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2), the peers are other PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships (DM2).
For the PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships At Time (DM2) the peers are other PV-01 Project Portfolio Relationships At Time (DM2).
Architecture Type: As Is, To Be, or Transitional.
Related Architectural Description: The related ArchitecturalDescription definition, from the AV-01 (DM2) diagram.
You can add the following symbols to the diagrams:
Organizational Units: A specific real-world assemblage of people and other resources organized for an ongoing purpose.
Projects: All forms of planned activities that are responsive to visions, goals, and objectives that aim to change the state of some situation.
See also
Building DoDAF 2 models for the Project Viewpoint