Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > DoDAF 2 metamodel overview > Artifact types of the DoDAF 2 metamodel > Goals
Goals specify the desired effect, outcome, or level of achievement, that an organization wants to achieve in operational processes, projects, or special programs. Goals can be expressed as high-level strategic goals that exist at the enterprise level and apply to the whole organization, or more low-level and specific goals that define desired outcomes of the operational work process.
The DoDAF 2 metamodel (DM2) for Goals is implemented as shown below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Vision is specified in the Goals part of the DM2.
Vision can be drawn on the following diagram type:
All Viewpoint models (DoDAF 2)
See also
Artifact types of the DoDAF 2 metamodel