Architecting and designing > Data modeling > Components of an entity relation diagram > Entity relation models and datatypes
Entity relation models and datatypes
By default, the ERD is a logical model and does not include properties for any specific DBMS. Therefore, all data types are mapped from the SQL 92 standard, with extensions for non-SQL 92 data types provided for specific DBMSs. However, you can specify a DBMS for a diagram. If you do, the entity, attribute and relationship editors will include properties for that DBMS.
Each diagram can be specified to a different DBMS; the subject area diagrams can target a different DBMS from each other and from the model diagram.
You will only see the properties for the DBMS specified for that diagram.
When a Physical Data Model is generated from an Entity Relation diagram, System Architect maps the standard data type to the data type of the selected DBMS. Each Physical Data Model diagram must be targeted toward a specific DBMS.
For non-SQL data types, see Controlling datatype mapping.
See also
Components of an entity relation diagram