Architecting and designing > Data modeling > Components of an entity relation diagram > Entity relation models and datatypes > Controlling datatype mapping
Controlling datatype mapping
Each Physical Data Model diagram must be targeted toward a specific DBMS. SQL Data Type list that appears for column definitions includes only the appropriate data types for the selected DBMS. Synonyms are not included in the data type list but will be recognized when generating an ERD from a PDM.
Non-standard mapping
.mh files are used to control the mapping of logical datatypes to physical datatypes, either when the logical model is used to create a physical model or when the user selects the display of “physical” for the logical model. They override built-in mapping of logical datatypes to physical datatypes.
Mapping non-SQL data types
AS/400 DDS, dBASE, Paradox and Progress use non-SQL data types. If you specify an ERD as targeted toward one of those DBMS, the SQL equivalents are displayed for attributes in entities.
It is possible to de-select the options listed below in the advanced configuration options dialog, but we strongly recommend against so doing. System Architect automatically maps logical SQL datatypes to non-SQL datatypes when physical data models are generated from logical data models. Logical entities should use logical datatypes.
Map AS/400 DDS DT from Standard
Map dBASE DT from Standard
Map Paradox DT from Standard
Map Progress DT from Standard
See also
Entity relation models and datatypes