Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > Business Reference Model (BRM) > Using the Business Reference Model (BRM)
Using the Business Reference Model (BRM)
The metamodel of the Business Reference Model supported in System Architect is as shown below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This metamodel shows the FEA BRM Reference hierarchy on the right side: zero or one Business Reference Model (BRM) has zero or more BRM Business Areas, which each have zero or more BRM Line of Businesses, which each have zero or more BRM Sub-Functions. It also shows that a BRM Sub-Function is related to Business Function, and furthermore how a Business Function is related to either BPMN Business Processes (the definition type for business processes if you have chosen to model with BPMN), or Elementary Business Processes (the definition type for business processes if you have chosen to model with the Process Chart notation), or Units of Behavior (the definition type for business processes if you have chosen to model with the IDEF3 notation and methodology), or Functions (also part of the Process Chart method), or Function/Activities (part of IDEF0, and aligned with IDEF3).
To use the Business Reference Model in System Architect
See also
1: Preparation
2: Align your architecture with the Business Reference Model (BRM)
Business Reference Model (BRM)