Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > Business Reference Model (BRM) > Using the Business Reference Model (BRM) > 2: Align your architecture with the Business Reference Model (BRM)
2: Align your architecture with the Business Reference Model (BRM)
Map your business processes to business functions
Create Business Functions that encapsulate the functions performed by the Business Processes in your organization
1 In the System Architect Explorer (browser), right-click the Definitions grouping and select New, or from the menu, select Dictionary, New Definition.
2 In the dialog that appears that lists all Definition types currently available (based on your settings through the Tools, Customize Method Support option), find and double-click Business Function.
3 In the Business Function definition, you can relate one or more Business Processes to the Business Function in the Related Functions and Processes property on the Introduction tab. Click the Choices button to see all Business Processes already created in the encyclopedia; you can drag-and-drop them in from there.
4 Take a look at the metamodel picture above. Remember that, according to the metamodel, the BRM Sub-Function is related to Business Function, and furthermore a Business Function is related to either BPMN Business Processes, or Elementary Business Processes (the definition type for business processes if you have chosen to model with the Process Chart notation), or Units of Behavior (the definition type for business processes if you have chosen to model with the IDEF3 notation and methodology), or Functions, or Function/Activities.
Align business functions with BRM sub-functions by a matrix
1 Select View > Matrix Browser.
2 In the Matrix Browser dialog, select the red star that shows the matrices for Integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Select the Business Function supports BRM Sub-Function matrix. Click Next and Finish in the ensuing filter dialogs to open the matrix.
4 The matrix shows Business Function versus BRM Sub-Functions. You can align them by placing text in the cell that intersects any pair of Business Functions and BRM Sub-Functions. The text that you place in the cell can be a simple x, or you can place text that describes the constraints of the relationship, if any. You are thus aligning your architecture with the FEA BRM.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 You can optionally right-click a cell that you have put text in, and then click Edit Cell Definition. In doing so, you open the definition that underlies the intersecting cell. You can fill in additional properties for this “joining” definition: the definition that joins the Business Function with the BRM Sub-Function.
6 If you do not want to add text in cell, and will only put an x in the cell to specify a simple relationship, you can work in “x-in-cell” mode. Select Matrix, X in Cell.
Align investments to systems
The OMB requires you to align Investments, such as the systems that are being built, with the BRM. In System Architect, you can create system definitions, and in each system definition, specify the Investment that it satisfies. For a system to be generated in OMB reports, it must have an Investment associated with it.
Align systems to BRM sub-functions through a matrix
After you have created System definitions in the encyclopedia, specified what Investment definitions that they satisfy, and defined Investment with Primary Sub-Function, you can align the systems with the BRM:
1 Select View > Matrix Browser.
2 In the Matrix Browser dialog box, select the red star that shows the matrices for Integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA).
3 Select the System supports BRM Sub-Function matrix. Click Next and Finish in the filter dialogs to open the matrix.
4 Click intersecting cells to align Systems with BRM Sub-Functions. Unlike the matrix used to align Business Functions to the BRM, this matrix is an “x-in-cell” matrix: clicking a cell to put an x in it. You cannot add constraint text to a cell.
Generate OMB 300 reports
You can automatically generate reports that show how your architecture is aligned with the FEA reference models, and copy and paste the contents of these reports into your OMB 300 submission.
1 Select Reports > iRMA Reports > BRM Report by System to automatically generate a report in MS Word that lists Systems, and the parts of the BRM that they support. To be generated in the report, the System has to have technology. Also the System has to be aligned to a BRM Sub-Function through the System-supports-BRM-Sub-Function matrix.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select Reports > iRMA Reports > BRM Report by Reference Model to automatically generate to Word a report that lists the BRM Reference Model, and shows the Systems that are aligned to each part of it.
See also
Using the Business Reference Model (BRM)