Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 2 > Getting started > Loading FEAF 2
Loading FEAF 2
How to turn on FEAF 2 and load the Reference Models
System Architect provides support for the FEAF 2.0 Reference Models within the FEA Reference Model paid add-on.
FEAF 2 selection
If you have the FEA Reference Model paid add-on, you are able to toggle on the FEAF 2 selection for an encyclopedia as described below:
1 Select Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
2 In the System Architect Property Configuration dialog, toggle on FEAF 2, then save and close the dialog.
Note FEAF 2 is integrated with DoDAF 2 and TOGAF 9 – you can toggle on either of those other frameworks when working with FEAF 2.
3 Reopen the encyclopedia for the changes to take affect (File > Open Encyclopedia).
Reference Models load
A set of .csv files with the FEAF 2 Consolidated Reference Models (CRM) is automatically loaded into an encyclopedia that has been enabled for FEAF 2. This occurs with FEAF 2 either specified at encyclopedia creation or afterwards by turning it on in the System Architect Properties dialog (Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration). The CRM for FEAF 2 is contained within .csv files in the <C>:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Rational\System Architect Suite\System Architect\CSV Import directory.
Data centric, hierarchical relationships are provided in reference model data. The following reference models are automatically brought in:
Application Reference Model (ARM)
FEAF2 ARM Domain
FEAF2 ARM Category
Business Reference Model (BRM)
FEAF2 BRM Mission Sector
FEAF2 BRM Business Function
FEAF2 BRM Service
Data Reference Model (DRM)
FEAF2 DRM Domain
FEAF2 DRM Subject
Infrastructure Reference Model (IRM)
FEAF2 IRM Domain
FEAF2 IRM Category
Performance Reference Model (PRM)
FEAF2 PRM Goal (parent of all PRM)
FEAF2 PRM Measurement Area
FEAF2 PRM Measurement Category
FEAF2 Agency Names and Goal Types also loaded
Security Reference Model (SRM)
FEAF2 SRM Consideration
FEAF2 SRM Context
See also
Reviewing and altering reference models
Aligning assets and investment needs to CRM reference models
Getting started