Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 2 > Using the reference models > Performance Reference Model (PRM)
Performance Reference Model (PRM)
The PRM provides a list of goals (delineated by goal codes) that US Federal Government agencies should align investment requests to.
In System Architect these goals/goal codes are provided as a set of PRM Goal Code definitions preloaded into an encyclopedia when you load FEAF 2. You can specify a PRM Goal Code to a Collaborative Planning Method (CPM) Line of Sight definition, so that when you generate a CPM Line of Sight Report, the investment is aligned to the goal.
The PRM Goal Codes are not tied to higher-level hierarchies of PRM Measurements – you specify the PRM Measurement Area and PRM Measurement Category that a PRM Goal Code is aligned to as you specify details of an investment need, in a CPM Line of Sight definition.
To summarize, the main asset classes of the PRM are:
FEAF2 PRM Measurement Area (highest level)
FEAF2 PRM Measurement Category (lowest connected level)
FEAF2 PRM Goal Code (lowest level – tied to a CPM Line of Sight definition)
You can visualize the first two layers of the PRM in a FEAF 2 PRM diagram:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Next steps
Visualizing the PRM
Aligning an Investment Need to the PRM (see Using the PRM)
Collaborative Planning Method (CPM) reporting
See also
Application Reference Model (ARM)
Business Reference Model (BRM)
Data Reference Model (DRM)
Infrastructure Reference Model (IRM)
Security Reference Model (SRM)
Using the reference models