Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 2 > Using the reference models > Performance Reference Model (PRM) > Using the PRM
Using the PRM
You align a Collaborative Planning Method (CPM) Line of Sight definition with a Performance Reference Model (PRM) Goal Code, in order to specify how your investment aligns with a Performance Reference Model goal. PRM Goal Codes are prepopulated into an encyclopedia when you load the FEAF 2.
1 In the PRM tab of a CPM Line of Sight definition, click Choices in the FEAF2 PRM Goal Code property, and select and drag-and-drop a FEAF2 PRM Goal Code into the property.
Note You can right-click in the Select and Drag dialog and choose Details to get a summary of every PRM Goal Code (as shown in picture below).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Click the Choices button by PRM Measurement Area, and drag-and-drop one in to align this CPM investment and the PRM Goal Code to the PRM Measurement Area.
3 Click the Choices button by the PRM Measurement Category to select and drag-and-drop one or more PRM Measurement Categories into the property.
Note The list of PRM Measurement Categories is the subset that belongs to the PRM Measurement Area chosen (see picture below, where the dialog is compared to the PRM hierarchy).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Visualizing the PRM
Performance Reference Model (PRM)