Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Process Charts > Types of diagrams used for Business Process Modeling > Process Charts > Process thread update commands
Process thread update commands
Process threads contain Elementary Business Processes. There are a number of ways to create the relationships between the two (model that a process belongs to a process thread), edit the relationships, or view this information.
Within the definition of a Process Thread, there is a property that lists the constituent elementary business processes (the list box is read-only, and can only be updated through the matrix, below).
Within the definition of an Elementary Business Process, there is a property that lists the enclosing Process Threads (the list box is read-only, and can only be updated through the matrix, below).
There is a matrix that relates the two definitions (Elem Bus Processes to Process Threads). The matrix can be used to view or edit the relationships.
Each Process Chart diagram represents all or part of a process thread. When you add or delete Elementary Business Process symbols to a Process Chart, you should update the matrix (above) by selecting Dictionary, Business Enterprise Utilities, Update Process Threads with the Process Chart diagram open.
The Process Decomposition diagram shows a hierarchy of Process Threads and their constituent Elementary Business Processes. To automatically draw the Elementary Business Processes belonging to a Process Thread, or update the matrix with processes you have manually drawn on the diagram, you can select one or more process threads on the diagram and select Dictionary, Update Selected Process Thread EBPs. Additionally, with the Process Decomposition diagram open, you can select Dictionary, Business Enterprise Utilities, Update Process Threads to populate the definitions of all of the Process Threads on the diagram with the related Data, Technology, Location, and Application information contained within their constituent Elementary Business Processes.
See also
Process Charts