Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Process Charts > Types of diagrams used for Business Process Modeling > Process Charts
Process Charts
The Process Chart is one of three choices available for business process flow modeling in System Architect; the other two are the BPMN business process diagram, and the IDEF3 process flow diagram.
Process Charts describe process threads
One or more Process Charts are used to describe the process flow of Process Threads in Process Charts in the organization (in other words, a Process Thread is modeled with one or more Process Chart diagrams). You can specify the Process Thread that a Process Chart is modeling in the Diagram Properties of the Process Chart.
Symbols used on a Process Chart diagram
On a Process Chart diagram, you model Events, Processes, and Results. The sequencing of logic between these symbols is modeled with Mandatory Sequence or Optional Sequence lines. You can also use Swimlanes in Process Charts to model the parts of the organization that these events, processes, and results occur in/are performed by.
Sample Process Chart diagram
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Matrix views
You can also use System Architect's Matrix Editors to view information between process threads (for example, Results on some Process Charts kick off Events on other Process Charts).
See also
Process thread update commands
Adding Elementary Business Processes to Process Threads
Events in Process Charts
Elementary Business Processes
Sequence Lines in Process Charts
Organizational Units in enterprise architecture modeling
Types of diagrams used for Business Process Modeling