Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Process Charts > Types of diagrams used for Business Process Modeling > Process Charts > Adding Elementary Business Processes to Process Threads
Adding Elementary Business Processes to Process Threads
You can link Process Charts together by adding an Elementary Business Process to a Process Thread.
1 From the View menu, select Matrix Browser..
2 In the Matrix Browser, click the Business Enterprise tab; then click the Elementary Business Process to Process Thread matrix.
3 In the Matrix Filters dialog box, click OK.
The matrix comparing the EBPs and the Process Threads in your encyclopedia is shown.
4 In the matrix grid, locate the box at the intersection of the Process Thread and the EBP you want to add.
5 To add an Elementary Business Process to the Process Thread, click the box. An "X" is displayed.
6 Click OK.
If you are working with the Sample encyclopedia, for example, you could add and "X" at the intersection of Examine Period to Accommodate Date and Confirm Invalid Reservation.
See also
Process Charts